Economic criminal law
In addition to private individuals, companies and their employees are subject to growing regulatory pressure. Investigations by regulatory bodies such as the AFM (The Authority for the Financial Markets), De Nederlandse Bank and other special investigative bodies such as FIOD (The Fiscal Information and Investigative Service) are becoming increasingly frequent. Such cases require specialized legal assistance. The lawyers at Knoops’ Advocaten can provide advice about your position, your rights and the consequences of your actions as well as of those of regulatory and investigative authorities.
The lawyers at Knoops’ Advocaten can provide advice in the following matters.
Economic criminal law: these are criminal offences under the Wet op Economisch Delicten, WED (The Economic Crimes Act). WED encompasses crimes in various areas, including the Wet Dieren (Animal Welfare Act), the Luchtvaartwet (Air Traffic Act), the Telecommunicatiewet (Telecommunications Act), the Wet milieubeheer (Environment Protection Act), the Wet Natuurbescherming (Nature Conservation Act) and the Wet op de Kansspelen (Gaming Act).
Financial criminal law: this is primarily aimed at the enforcement of the Wet op het Financieel Toezicht (WFT) (The Financial Supervision Act). Such offences include influencing or manipulating prices, insider trading, etc.
Fraud and money laundering: crimes punishable under the Dutch Criminal Code such as money laundering, corruption, embezzlement, fraud and forgery.
Confiscation cases: separate from the handling of a criminal case, the public prosecutor can order the confiscation of illegally acquired goods or services.